Applied Kinesiology

Have you ever wondered why Dr. Ragon applies light pressure to your arm or leg and it feels too weak to hold up? And if that wasn't bizarre enough, Dr. Ragon tests you again after performing a few manipulations or touching a particular point on your body (that seems completely unrelated) only to find that you are no longer weak but quite strong indeed! What is Dr. Ragon doing?

Dr. Ragon is certified in a specialty technique known as Applied Kinesiology. Chiropractors have many techniques in their repertoire; just as a baseball pitcher might have many different pitches that he/she has learned to utilize while taking into account the many factors surrounding the ball game and the batter at the plate. Dr. Ragon is well-known in the field as an Applied Kinesiologist for his vast knowledge and understanding of the structural-chemical-mental continuum that surrounds health and wellness, coupled with his background in nutrition that produce results for his patients that they have otherwise been unable to achieve.. 
What is Applied Kinesiology?

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a form of diagnosis using muscle testing as a primary feedback mechanism to examine how a person's body is functioning. When properly applied, the outcome of an AK diagnosis will determine the best form of therapy for the patient. Since AK draws together the core elements of many complementary therapies, it provides an interdisciplinary approach to health care.

In general, the applied kinesiologist finds a muscle that tests weak and then attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. A weak muscle is an outword signal that the brain can not handle to conflicting messages at the same time. The practitioner will then evaluate and apply the therapy that will best eliminate the muscle weakness and help the patient.
Therapies utilized can include specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian therapy, clinical nutrition, dietary management and various reflex procedures.

In some cases, the examiner may test for environmental or food sensitivities by using a previously strong muscle to find what weakens it.
Applied kinesiology uses the - triad of health - chemical, mental and structural factors - to describe the proper balance of the major health categories.

The triad is represented by an equilateral triangle with structural health as its base, and the upright sides representing chemical and mental health. When a person experiences poor health, it is due to an imbalance in one or more of these three factors.

The triad of health is interactive and all sides must be evaluated for the underlying cause of a problem. A health problem on one side of the triad can affect the other sides. For example, a chemical imbalance may cause mental symptoms. Applied kinesiology enables the practitioner to evaluate the triad's balance and direct therapy toward the imbalanced side or sides. Example of How AK Works:

Migraine Signs or Symptoms
Severe headache with visual and nauseous symptoms

This is the most severe type of head pain. It is accompanied by visual imbalances and usually with severe gastric upset. It can last for hours or at times days

As with other common problems, the cause is unknown. It is associated with hormonal imbalances, stress and sensitivities.

Standard Treatment
Strong medications to reduce the symptoms are used. These are taken at the first sign that the migraine is starting.

AK Approach
The examination begins with local factors in the head. These include testing to determine the normal motion of the bones of the skull, imbalances in the muscles of the jaw, and the tension of the muscles that hold your head on your neck. If there are imbalances that are found, then testing is done to find what is causing the imbalances. Common factors are food sensitivities, environmental factors like perfumes, stress, bite imbalances, hormonal imbalances and spinal, especially neck, problems. The approach is to find the local imbalances that cause the headache and the triggers that cause them to occur.

Treatment encompasses both of these aspects by correcting the underlying physical faults and removing or minimizing the triggers. Consequently, cranial corrections, spinal work, balancing of the muscles of the neck, head and especially those of chewing, and nutritional support for aimed at supporting the systems that trigger the headaches are all intertwined into a personalized treatment program.


What is an AK examination?

Applied kinesiology interactive assessment procedures represent a form of functional biomechanical and functional neurologic evaluation. The term "functional biomechanics" refers to the clinical assessment of posture, organized motion such as in gait, and ranges of motion. Muscle testing readily enters into the assessment of postural distortion, gait impairment and altered range of motion. During a functional neurologic evaluation, muscle tests are used to monitor the physiologic response to a physical, chemical or mental stimulus. The observed response is correlated with clinical history and physical exam findings and, as indicated, with laboratory tests and any other appropriate standard diagnostic methods. Applied kinesiology procedures are not intended to be used as a single method of diagnosis. Applied kinesiology examination should enhance standard diagnosis, not replace it.


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